0 . PCPatient Definition Logical model for Patient as used for the PLUGIN use-case Palliative Care.
Maturity Level: 0 Draft
Short PC Patient Control 0 ..* Is Modifier false Logical Model Instances of this logical model are not marked to be the target of a Reference
2 . PCPatient.identifier Definition Contains the patient's medical record number as used by the hospital.
Short MRN Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion ) Control 1..* Type Identifier
4 . PCPatient.name Definition Name of the patient.
Short Name of the patient. Control 0..* Type HumanName
6 . PCPatient.gender Definition Describes biological sex as recorded in the patient's identity document or in the hospital record. In the absence of documentation, the one declared by the patient will be recorded
Short Gender/Sex Control 0..1 Type CodeableConcept
8 . PCPatient.birthDate Definition Birth date of the patient
Short Birth date of the patient Control 0..1 Type date Primitive Value This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension
10 . PCPatient.deceasedDate Definition Death date of the patient
Short Death date of the patient Control 1..1 Type date Primitive Value This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension
12 . PCPatient.address Definition nl.core.AddressInformation
Short nl.core.AddressInformation Control 1..* Type Address
14 . PCPatient.tumor Definition Tumor
Short Tumor Control 1..* Type https://plugin.healthcare/fhir/StructureDefinition/NKRTumor