0.1.0-ci - ci-build NL

PLUGIN - Local Development build (v0.1.0-ci) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Head and Neck Cancer Conditions

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0-ci
Draft as of 2025-01-16 Computable Name: HeadAndNeckCancerConditionVS

Copyright/Legal: Used by permission of the PLUGIN team, all rights reserved Creative Commons License

Head and Neck Cancer Conditions/Topography


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet hnc-vs

  • Include these codes as defined in
    C00.0Lip Bovenlip lippenrood
    C00.1Lip Onderlip lippenrood
    C00.3Lip Bovenlip binnenzijde
    C00.4Lip Onderlip binnenzijde
    C00.6Lip Lip commissuur
    C01.9Tongbasis Tongbasis
    C02.0Tong Tong dorsaal oppervlak
    C02.1Tong Tong punt en zijrand
    C02.2Tong Tong ventraal oppervlak
    C02.3Tong Tong beweeglijk deel
    C02.8Tong Tong overlappend
    C02.9Tong Tong NNO
    C03.0Tandvlees Tandvlees bovenkaak
    C03.1Tandvlees Tandvlees onderkaak
    C04.0Mondbodem Mondbodem voorste deel
    C04.1Mondbodem Mondbodem laterale deel
    C04.8Mondbodem Mondbodem overlappend
    C04.9Mondbodem Mondbodem NNO
    C05.0Gehemelte Harde verhemelte
    C05.1Gehemelte Zachte verhemelte
    C05.2Gehemelte Uvula
    C05.8Gehemelte Overlappende lokalisatie verhemelte
    C05.9Gehemelte Verhemelte NNO
    C06.0Mond Mucosa wang
    C06.1Mond Vestibulum oris (mond)
    C06.2Mond Retromolaire gebied
    C06.8Mond Mond overlappend
    C06.9Mond Mond NNO
    C07Glandula Parotis
    C07.9Glandula Parotis Glandula parotis
    C08Grote speekselklieren
    C08.0Grote speekselklieren Glandula submandibularis
    C08.1Grote speekselklieren Glandula sublingualis
    C08.9Grote speekselklieren Grote speekselklieren NNO
    C09.0Tonsil Tonsilnis
    C09.1Tonsil Tonsilplooien
    C09.9Tonsil Tonsillen
    C10.0Oropharynx Vallecula
    C10.1Oropharynx Voorzijde epiglottis
    C10.2Oropharynx Orofarynx laterale wand
    C10.3Oropharynx Orofarynx achterwand
    C10.8Oropharynx Orofarynx overlappend
    C10.9Oropharynx Orofarynx NNO
    C11.0Nasopharynx Nasofarynx bovenwand
    C11.1Nasopharynx Nasofarynx achterwand
    C11.2Nasopharynx Nasofarynx zijwand
    C11.8Nasopharynx Nasofarynx overlappend
    C11.9Nasopharynx Nasofarynx NNO
    C12Sinus pyriformis
    C12.9Sinus pyriformis Sinus pyriformis
    C13.0Hypopharynx Regio postcricoidalis
    C13.1Hypopharynx Plica aryepiglottica
    C13.2Hypopharynx Hypofarynx achterwand
    C13.8Hypopharynx Hypofarynx overlappend
    C13.9Hypopharynx Hypofarynx NNO
    C14Lip, mond- en keelholte
    C14.0Lip, mond- en keelholte Farynx NNO
    C14.8Lip, mond- en keelholte Lip/mondholte/farynx overlappend
    C30Neusholte en middenoor
    C30.0Neusholte en middenoor Neusholten
    C30.1Neusholte en middenoor Middenoor
    C31.0Neusbijholten Sinus maxillaris
    C31.1Neusbijholten Sinus ethmoidalis
    C31.2Neusbijholten Sinus frontalis
    C31.3Neusbijholten Sinus sphenoidalis
    C31.8Neusbijholten Neus(bij)holten overlappend
    C32.0Larynx Glottis
    C32.1Larynx Supraglottis
    C32.2Larynx Subglottis



No Expansion for this valueset (Unknown Code System)

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code